Studio Policy
Lesson Fees
Lessons are offered once or twice per week in 30, 45, 60 minute sessions. Necessary lesson duration will be decided based on the student’s age, level and specific needs. Please note that once a child has entered RCM level 1, it is mandatory that they increase to a 45 minute lesson in order to cover all necessary requirements.
Private lessons fees are due one month in advance on the 1st of each month (or on the first lesson of the month). Invoices will be given to the student or parent one week prior to the due date.
There will be a $15 charge for late payments.
A student’s progress is directly correlated with efficient and consistent practicing. Students are expected to practice daily based on their lesson duration (i.e. if a student has a 30 minute lesson, they should practice 15 – 30 minutes daily). Parents are advised to supervise their child’s practice routine, and assure they are working on the necessary material as stated in their assignment book. If insufficient progress is being made, this will be discussed with the parent. If this persists, it may be recommended that the child discontinue lessons.
Attendance and Missed Lessons
It is integral that students consistently attend a weekly lesson in order to make sufficient progress. There will be no refunds for missed lessons. Lessons that are cancelled with at least 24 hours notice will be rescheduled to the nearest mutually convenient time.
Student recitals are held twice a year in November/December and May/June. Participation in recitals is mandatory and students should make their best effort to perform from memory. If a student is deemed unprepared to perform due to lack of practice, they will not be invited to perform. If a lack of practice persists, lessons will be discontinued.
Parental Involvement
At the beginner and early elementary levels parents must be committed to being involved in their child’s piano study in order to make sufficient progress. It is recommended that parents observe lessons for at least the first six months to understand the fundamentals of posture, technique and rhythm. Parents are also encouraged to practice with their child daily. Practice supervision must continue from the beginner levels until age 10. By age 10 most students have the maturity and responsibility to practice independently.
Summer Lessons
Students must take a minimum of 5 lessons in July and August to retain their spot in the studio.
Miscellaneous Items
Students taking in-home lessons should be prepared to begin their lesson upon their teacher’s arrival. This means having all books and teaching materials ready at the piano.
Parents should ensure that students taking in-home lessons have their piano in a location where the student will be free of distractions (i.e. no television, excessive noise etc.).
I will purchase all books and materials needed for lessons. I will provide you with a receipt and I can be reimbursed on the next lesson payment.
Students must keep their nails short in order to play with proper technique.